Second circular
This second circular is to announce the opening of the abstract submission to the workshop "From Quiescence to Outburst: when Microquasars go Wild" to be held from 25th to the 29th of September 2017 in the IGESA center of the Porquerolles island in France.
This 5-day workshop aims at gathering theorists, observers and specialists of the field, discussing the latest results and reviewing the current state of our understanding of the physics powering these sources.
Large dedicated time will be devoted to the following specific points :
Invited reviews and highlight talks will occupy approximately 1/3 of the time slots, with a fraction of 2/3 dedicated to contributed talks. Space will also be provided for poster presentations.
Call for Abstracts
To submit a contribution, please proceed through the conference website
click the "Program & Registration" tab and then "Submit a contribution". Note that you need to create an account before submitting a contribution.
The abstract submission is open and the deadline is fixed to 15th of May
Given the limited number of places, the registration will be opened after the selection of all the speakers (i.e. beginning of june), when we will know the exact number of places left.
The registration fees will be fixed to 300€ which includes all the meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner), the welcome reception (on the sunday evening), coffee/snacks for breaks, the meeting banquet AS WELL AS the accomodation at the IGESA center for all the week. This is a very low price given the touristic attraction of the Porquerolles island.
Each participant will have his/her own bedroom. The bedrooms have a basic confort (no TV, single bed) with their own bathroom.
The boat landing stage to the Porquerolles Island is called "La Tour Fondue".
It can be easily reached by taxi from the Toulon-Hyeres airport (~ 20 min, ~ 20€, http://www.toulon-hyeres.aeroport.fr/en) or the Toulon train station (~ 30-45 min depending on the trafic, ~ 60€).
The boat schedules for Sept. 2017 are still not known but there is commonly a boat every 30 min at this period. The return ticket is around 20€.
More information will be given in the 3rd circular expected for June.
The following persons have accepted to give review talks:
News and up-to-date informations about the conference are available on the meeting website at https://microquasar.sciencesconf.org/
We look forward to seeing you in Porquerolles!
Scientific Organizing Committee:
Local Organizing Committee: